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Single Herbs

Rosemary – Rosmarinus officinalis
#SH39/ 50g packet, loose leaf / R 78.00

    Rosemary can be used as a culinary as well as a medicinal herb.

    Rosemary improves memory and stimulates the nervous system. Rosemary is an anti-oxidant and has anti-inflammatory value.


    • inhibits free-radical damage
    • strengthens capillaries
    • can help in the treatment of depression
    • migraine
    • disorders of the liver
    • sluggish digestion
    • long-term stress and
    • chronic illness

    Chew a leaf to cleanse your breath after eating garlic.

    Rosemary can be used as an antiseptic gargle or mouthwash. A hair rinse made from Rosemary can be used to stimulate hair growth after chemotherapy.

    Warning: People who suffer from High Blood Pressure may not use Rosemary internally.

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    Please contact us (preferably by email) for more information or to order any of the above products. Please note that we only sell within the borders of South Africa.
    Warning Notice
    Mountain Herb Estate, and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants, products or documentation provided.