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Single Herbs

Catnip – Nepeta cataria

Catnip contains vitamin C.

It is an astringent and promotes sweating during colds, flu, fever and childhood diseases – it induces sleep or perspiration but does not increase body temperature.

Catnip is used for the

  • nervous system
  • palpitations
  • rheumatism
  • arthritis
  • pain and
  • as a sedative.

Catnip calms the stomach – it aids in reducing flatulence, diarrhea and childhood colic.

Make a tea to use as an enema to heal or cleanse lower bowels.
Catnip can be used to prevent miscarriage, premature birth and morning sickness.

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Please contact us (preferably by email) for more information or to order any of the above products. Please note that we only sell within the borders of South Africa.
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Mountain Herb Estate, and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants, products or documentation provided.