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Single Herbs

Black pepper - Piper nigrum
#SH199/ 50g crushed seed/ R 62.00

    Black Pepper is the most commonly used spices worldwide.

    Black Pepper is rich in a plant compound called Piperine which may help prevent free radical damage to your cells.

    Black Pepper

    • is high in antioxidants
    • has anti-inflammatory properties
    • may improve brain function
    • demonstrated potential benefits for symptoms related to degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
    • may improve blood sugar control/metabolism
    • may lower cholesterol levels

    Other benifits include

    • may increase absorption of nutrients like calcium and selenium
    • may promote gut health by increasing the good bacteria in your gut
    • may offer pain relief

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    Contact Notice
    Please contact us (preferably by email) for more information or to order any of the above products. Please note that we only sell within the borders of South Africa.
    Warning Notice
    Mountain Herb Estate, and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants, products or documentation provided.