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Plant Information

Scientific Name: Salvia roemeriana 'Hot Trumpets'
Alternative Names: Dwarf crimson-flowered sage 'Hot Trumpets', Roemer's sage 'Hot Trumpets', Cedar sage 'Hot Trumpets'

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Salvia roemeriana 'Hot Trumpets'


  • Perennial
  • Salvia roemeriana is a dwarf sage native to the limestone outcrops in central Texas and adjacent Mexico.
  • It is a compact, woody-based perennial reaching to around 30cm tall with spice-scented, heart-shaped, scalloped deep-green leaves.
  • Salvia roemeriana has erect stems and bears masses of lightly fragrant, trumpet-shaped, bright red flowers from early summer into autumn.
  • Regularly removing old stems extends and enhances flowering.
  • It will do best in sun to partial shade, a pH above 6.0 and a wide range of well-drained soils.
  • Ideal for both borders and pots.
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