Plant Information
Scientific Name: Lippia javanica
Alternative Names: Lemonbush, Koorsbossie (Afr), Musukudu (Tsw), Inzinziniba (Xho), Umsuzwane (Zu), Mumara (Sho).
Scientific Name: Lippia javanica
Alternative Names: Lemonbush, Koorsbossie (Afr), Musukudu (Tsw), Inzinziniba (Xho), Umsuzwane (Zu), Mumara (Sho).
- Perennial
- Indigenous - erect, much-branched woody shrub that can grow up to 1-2m.
- The stems are square in cross-section and have rough textured leaves with lightly toothed margins that are arranged opposite each other in whorls of three or four.
- The leaves contain essential oils and have a characteristic lemon-verbena scent when crushed.
- It bears small creamy-white flowers that are clustered together in dense, round spikes about 1cm in diameter.
- Draught-hardy plant that will tolerate a wide variety of soil types - requires full sun.
Parts Used
- The leaves and twigs.
Medicinal Uses. It is said that
- The leaves are traditionally made into infusions to treat coughs, colds, fever, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, measles, rashes, malaria and headaches.
- Stomach disorders, intestinal worms (tapeworms), back pain, eye ailments, nosebleeds, stuffy noses and convulsions.
- Weak infusions are taken as a general health tonic and strong infusions are used topically for scabies and lice.
Other Uses
- The oil can be use as a repellent to control bark beetles.
The information contained within this website is for educational purposes only. This site merely recounts the traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner.
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Mountain Herb Estate, and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided. By use of this site and the information contained herein you agree to hold harmless Mountain Herb Estate, its affiliates and staff